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Language Training | Spain


Certainly, certificates like TOEFL, IELTS, TOEIC, TOPIK, and JLPT are very familiar to many young people, but not everyone is aware of the Spanish Language Certificate. If you are planning to study abroad in Spain, check out the article below by EI Group to learn more about this certificate and the related information. Popular Spanish […]

calendar 22/11/2024
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Language Training | Spain

Spanish – The Top 4 Most Widely Spoken Languages in the World

Spanish is the fourth most widely spoken language in the world, with over 500 million speakers. In Vietnam, Spanish is not as popular as English, Chinese, or Japanese. However, in European and American countries, Spanish is quite a common language and is spoken in many nations. Over 20 countries around the world use Spanish as […]

calendar 22/11/2024
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Language Training | Spain

Types of Spanish Certificates – Which Certificate Should International Students Take?

Spanish certificates are essential for those who want to work or study abroad in Spain. So, what types of Spanish certificates are available? And which certificate should international students take? Let’s explore in detail in the following article. What Are Spanish Certificates For? Just like English has IELTS and TOEIC, Korean has TOPIK, and Chinese […]

calendar 22/11/2024
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