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Language Training | Chinese

The benefits of learning Chinese

The benefits of learning Chinese, the language spoken by over a billion people worldwide, are not only a useful communication tool but also offer significant advantages in both career and life. From expanding career opportunities to enhancing cognitive skills, learning Chinese can transform the way you perceive the world and improve your quality of life. […]

calendar 22/11/2024
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Language Training | Chinese

Information About the TOCFL Exam When Studying Abroad in Taiwan

The TOCFL Exam has long been familiar to Vietnamese students. According to a report from The Washington Post, of the 7.2 billion people worldwide, approximately 1.39 billion speak Chinese. Even more notably, over 30 million people around the globe are learning Chinese, making it the second most studied language after English. This highlights the widespread […]

calendar 22/11/2024
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Language Training | Chinese

What are the differences between Traditional and Simplified Chinese characters?

In the world of Chinese language, Traditional and Simplified Chinese characters are two important writing systems, each with its own distinct characteristics. This article will help you explore the differences between these two writing systems, providing a deeper understanding of their significance in Chinese life and culture. What are Traditional Chinese characters and Simplified Chinese […]

calendar 22/11/2024
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