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Language Training | German

The benefits of learning German: A gateway to new opportunities in work and life.

The benefits of learning German go beyond enriching your knowledge; they also open up numerous new opportunities in both work and life. In the context of global integration, proficiency in German has become a significant competitive advantage. Let’s explore the specific benefits of learning German and why you should invest your time and effort into […]

calendar 22/11/2024
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Language Training | German

Ei Group collaborates with Germany’s leading publisher Cornelsen to apply advanced German language textbooks in teaching.

With the desire to continuously improve training quality and affirm its pioneering position in education and overseas study, EI Group has officially reached an agreement with Cornelsen, one of Germany’s leading educational publishers. Accordingly, EI Group will officially use the “Treffpunkt – Deutsch für die Integration” curriculum by Cornelsen. This curriculum is specifically designed for […]

calendar 22/11/2024
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Language Training | German

German language training

Introduction to the German Language Training Program EI Group is Vietnam’s leading educational organization in the fields of foreign language training and vocational study consultancy in Germany. We take pride in our team of highly qualified and experienced educators with years of teaching expertise. All EI Group teachers hold at least a university degree and […]

calendar 22/11/2024
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