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November 22, 2024

112 days ago

Spanish certificates are essential for those who want to work or study abroad in Spain. So, what types of Spanish certificates are available? And which certificate should international students take? Let’s explore in detail in the following article.

What Are Spanish Certificates For?

Just like English has IELTS and TOEIC, Korean has TOPIK, and Chinese has HSK, Spanish also has various certificates to assess your level of proficiency in the Spanish language.

Types of Spanish certificates offer many benefits, especially for those who are looking to study or work in Spanish-speaking countries. Specifically:

  • Studying in Spain or other Spanish-speaking countries
  • Working in jobs related to Spain, or joining international companies
  • Immigration or visa applications
  • Traveling
  • Personal interests, communication, and making connections with friends

Types of Spanish certificates 1

Types of Spanish Certificates

There are two main types of Spanish certificates: DELE and SIELE. Compared to SIELE, the DELE certificate is more widely recognized. However, each certificate serves its own specific purpose and caters to different needs when it comes to Spanish language proficiency.

DELE Certificate

The DELE certificate (Diplomas de Español como Lengua Extranjera) is a certification that evaluates and certifies the Spanish language proficiency of non-native speakers. This official certificate is issued by the Cervantes Institute (Instituto Cervantes) and is globally recognized, holding value in various areas such as education, work, and immigration.

The DELE exam consists of four skills: listening, speaking, reading, and writing. The results will be sent directly to the candidates approximately two months after the exam.

The DELE certificate does not have an official expiration date. It is valid permanently and does not need to be renewed or extended. However, in some cases, especially when applying for jobs or studying, institutions may request a more recent certificate to ensure that your language skills are still aligned with current standards.

Types of Spanish certificates 2

SIELE Certificate

The SIELE certificate (Servicio Internacional de Evaluación de la Lengua Española) is an international certification that assesses your ability to use the Spanish language. SIELE was developed and is issued by the Cervantes Institute, along with other institutions such as the National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM), the University of Salamanca, and the University of Buenos Aires.

Unlike DELE, SIELE does not categorize levels but instead provides an overall score based on language skills (listening, speaking, reading, writing). This score reflects your language proficiency on a scale from 0 to 1000, with the maximum score for each skill being 250.

Results are typically available within about three weeks. The SIELE certificate is valid for 5 years.

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Spanish Certificate Proficiency Levels

The proficiency levels for Spanish certificates are typically evaluated based on the CEFR system (Common European Framework of Reference for Languages), which includes the following levels:

A1 – Beginner Level

At this level, you can use basic Spanish structures in familiar situations. You are able to understand and use simple sentences for everyday communication.

A2 – Elementary Level

At the A2 level, you can communicate effectively in basic social situations and handle many daily needs. You can participate in short conversations, describe simple events in the past, and give advice or ask for help.

B1 – Intermediate Level

At B1, you can understand the main points in familiar situations such as work, school, and entertainment. You are able to converse on familiar topics and describe experiences and events. Your vocabulary and grammar will be more extensive.

B2 – Upper Intermediate Level

At the B2 level, your Spanish proficiency meets the requirements of higher education or preparatory university programs. You can communicate naturally with native speakers and can produce detailed writing on various topics.

C1 – Advanced Level

At C1, you can understand a wide range of long and complex texts and recognize implicit meanings. You are able to use the language flexibly and effectively for social, academic, and professional purposes.

C2 – Proficient Level

At C2, you can understand almost all types of written and spoken texts. You can express ideas fluently and accurately and can speak, write, and communicate effectively in any situation.

Which Spanish Certificate Should International Students Take?

Both the DELE certificate and the SIELE certificate demonstrate the Spanish language proficiency of international students and are valid for applying to study abroad in Spain. The types of Spanish certificates, namely DELE and SIELE, offer different advantages based on your needs. The DELE certificate has a lower fee compared to the SIELE certificate. However, the DELE exam is only held twice a year, while the SIELE exams are conducted more frequently.

If you want a permanent certificate and prefer a more relaxed study and application timeline, the DELE certificate is the way to go. On the other hand, if you’re in a rush and need a certificate to prepare for studying abroad, the SIELE certificate is a safer and faster option.

The minimum level of proficiency required for international students to apply for study abroad or scholarships is a B1 level or higher.

Types of Spanish certificates 4

Learn Spanish at EI Group

Currently, EI Group is a leading institution in Vietnam in the field of education, particularly renowned for offering high-quality Spanish language courses for students. EI Group not only focuses on language training but also commits to comprehensive support for learners by providing in-depth study abroad consulting services.

EI Group offers various courses to meet the needs and levels of learners. For those who have never studied Spanish before, the courses are designed to take them from beginner level all the way to a proficiency level suitable for studying abroad or finding a job.

With a dedicated and knowledgeable team of consultants who are deeply familiar with international education systems, EI Group is committed to providing high-quality consulting services that help students achieve their academic and personal development goals in the most effective and accessible way.


Above is all the information about the Types of Spanish certificates. Visit EI GROUP now to receive free guidance on your Spanish language learning path and study abroad journey to Spain today.

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